InspectorRx, Inc.™ Services

Buyer’s Inspection

Buyer’s Inspection

Buyer’s Inspection services help home buyers better understand a property’s condition and repair needs before they decide to purchase. We abide by ASHI Standard of Practice (SOP) and thoroughly search the home’s visible and safely accessible areas – both interior and exterior – for hidden damages so that our clients don’t get stuck with unexpected post-purchase repairs. The following areas can be inspected for an additional fee:

  • Outbuildings
  • Pool and spa
  • Septic (dye test)
  • Lawn irrigation
Aerial Drone Roof Inspection

Aerial Drone Roof Inspection

When we determine that a roof is unsafe to inspect on foot, we will use an Aerial Drone to fly above the property and collect high-resolution images. These images allow us to thoroughly search the roof for defects, age, and overall condition.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging

We employ thermal imaging technology as a normal part of our process during an inspection for no additional fee. With a thermal imaging camera, we are able to locate potential leaks behind home surfaces that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Carbon Monoxide Testing

Carbon Monoxide Testing

Carbon Monoxide in the home can be extremely dangerous because it is odorless yet poisonous. We test for carbon monoxide as needed during our inspections when a leak is suspected.

Pre-Listing Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection

Before putting a home on the market, a Pre-Listing Inspection helps sellers identify and address the issues in a home they may not have been aware of. Equipped with details about the home’s strengths and weaknesses, sellers will be able to better negotiate with potential buyers.

New Construction Inspection

New Construction Inspection

A new home should be checked for construction defects before the final walk-through with the builder. We will thoroughly search the home during a New Construction Inspection for any deficiencies that need to be addressed beforehand.

New Construction Phase Inspections

New Construction Phase Inspections

Ensuring that an important phase of the construction process is defect-free before moving on to the next will lead to a higher-quality finished project. We perform New Construction Phase Inspections at the pre-drywall phase and pre-final walk-through.

11th Month Warranty Inspection

11th Month Warranty Inspection

Many newly constructed homes are sold with a one-year warranty that covers the cost of building defects. By having an 11th Month Warranty Inspection completed, homeowners can find out if any of these defects exist in the home in time to request the necessary repairs.



Re-Inspections are a great way to keep buyer and seller on the same page once the repairs requested after the Buyer’s Inspection are finalized. We revisit the home with a list of completed repairs, ensuring that everything looks up to standard and that all agreements were met.

Commercial Inspection

Commercial Inspection

Commercial Inspections help buyers of commercial properties understand a building’s repair needs, safety concerns, and overall condition. We perform light Commercial Inspections on small storefronts and apartments.

Additional Inspection Services

Mold Testing

Mold Testing

Mold spores are always moving around through the air, but they can cause damage to a property if they find a moist place to settle and grow on home surfaces. We perform Mold Testing by collecting samples from the home and sending them to a lab for analysis.

Radon Testing

Radon Testing

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs in soil, posing a major health risk once it rises and becomes trapped in a home. The invisible and odorless gas causes lung cancer and requires professional detection. We perform Radon Testing ourselves using a continuous radon monitor according to NRPP protocols.

WDO Inspection

WDO Inspection

Termites, carpenter bees, and other wood-destroying organisms can cause major structural damage to a home. We will schedule WDO Inspections with a professional third-party during your regular inspection free of charge.

Water Testing

Water Testing

It’s always a good idea to have the water in a home tested before using or consuming it, or whenever you notice a change in color, odor, or taste. We will collect a water sample and send it to a lab to be tested for harmful bacteria, lead, nitrates, and other contaminants.

Toxicology Testing

Toxicology Testing

We provide Toxicology Testing for a variety of dangerous drugs. We will collect samples from the home and send them to a lab for analysis. The tests will reveal the presence of the following drugs:

  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Fentanyl
  • Amphetamine
  • Heroin
  • Methadone
  • LSD
  • Buprenorphine
  • Opium
  • PCP
  • Angel Dust
  • Ephedrine
  • Ketamine
  • And more

Contact InspectorRx, Inc.™ today to schedule professional home inspection services in the Metro Atlanta area.